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Executive Functioning & Adult ADHD Support

While ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Dr. Russel Barkley, one of the leading ADHD researcher clarifies that the name does those with the disorder an injustice as it misses the key element of what ADHD is, an Executive Functioning Disorder.


Executive functioning refers to a set of cognitive processes that are responsible for planning, organizing, initiating, and regulating behaviors necessary to achieve goals. It involves various skills such as time management, attention, working memory, impulse control, decision-making, and problem-solving. Essentially, executive functioning helps individuals manage their thoughts, actions, and emotions to accomplish tasks effectively.


Some ways ADHD affects executive functioning:

  • Attention and Focus: Individuals with ADHD may struggle with sustaining attention, getting easily distracted by external stimuli or internal thoughts. They may find it challenging to stay focused on tasks, leading to difficulties in completing them efficiently.


  • Organization and Planning: ADHD can make it difficult to establish and maintain organizational systems. Individuals may struggle with organizing tasks, materials, and time. Planning ahead, setting goals, and breaking tasks into manageable steps can be challenging.


  • Time Management: Time perception and time management skills can be affected by ADHD. Individuals may struggle with estimating how long tasks will take, meeting deadlines, and effectively managing their time. Procrastination and difficulties with prioritizing tasks may also be common.


  • Working Memory: Working memory involves holding and manipulating information in mind. People with ADHD may experience difficulties with working memory, impacting their ability to follow multi-step instructions, retain information, and keep track of details while completing tasks.


  • Impulse Control: Impulsivity is a hallmark symptom of ADHD. It can manifest as acting without thinking, interrupting others, or difficulty controlling immediate desires. Impulse control challenges can impact decision-making, social interactions, and self-regulation.


  • Emotional Regulation: Individuals with ADHD may experience difficulties regulating their emotions, leading to emotional impulsivity or heightened emotional responses. These challenges can affect their ability to manage stress, handle frustration, and adapt to changes effectively.



While medications can be a crucial part in managing ADHD symptoms, psychotherapy can play a vital role in addressing these difficulties by providing strategies and support to improve executive functioning skills and overall functioning in daily life and to help gain self-acceptance.


Therapy can help you…

  • Gain a deeper understanding of ADHD and its impact on executive functioning skills such as organization, time management, planning, and decision-making. Through therapy, we'll explore the unique ways ADHD manifests in your life, and develop personalized strategies to address challenges and unlock your full potential.


  • Developing practical skills and tools to improve focus, attention, and impulse control. We'll work together to establish effective routines, implement strategies for task prioritization, and develop organizational systems tailored to your specific needs. With therapy, you can enhance your productivity and achieve your goals with greater ease.


  • Building resilience and self-regulation by helping you learn how to manage frustration, setbacks, and emotional dysregulation commonly associated with ADHD. Therapy can provide valuable coping mechanisms, stress management techniques, and emotional regulation strategies. Together, we'll foster resilience and equip you with the skills to navigate life's challenges with confidence.


  • Cultivate self-compassion and understand that ADHD is not a character flaw or a reflection of your worth. Therapy offers a safe and non-judgmental space to explore your feelings, develop self-compassion, and challenge negative self-perceptions. Through this journey, you'll learn to embrace your strengths and appreciate the unique qualities that make you who you are.


  • ADHD can bring about feelings of shame and a sense of being misunderstood. Therapy provides a supportive environment to process these emotions, challenge societal stigmas, and build a positive self-image. Together, we'll focus on reframing negative narratives and fostering self-acceptance.


  • ADHD often brings a range of strengths such as creativity, out-of-the-box thinking, and hyperfocus. Through therapy, we'll identify and celebrate these unique strengths, helping you reframe challenges as opportunities for growth. You'll develop a renewed sense of self-worth and embrace your abilities with pride.

A very informative and long (but divided into small parts) lecture by leading ADHD researcher Dr. Russel Barkley about what ADHD is and isn't. 

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